Veteran actor Pankaj Kapoor's directorial debut movie Mausam has completed its first shooting schedule in Edinburgh. The movie stars his son, Bollywood hunk, Shahid Kapoor and Anil Kapoor's daughter Sonam Kapoor of Saawaria fame, in the lead roles.
For the last two months, the cast and crew of Mausam had been in Edinburgh to shoot for the movie. The unit has now returned to Mumbai and after completing the scheduled shoot here they will reportedly move to Punjab to shoot a few scenes there. As per the sources, the team will go back to Edinburgh again in winter for the remaining shots.
Pankaj Kapoor wrote the movie as a romantic drama set in the valley of Kashmir. But, they had to shoot it in Edinburgh because of security reasons. The movie will also be shot in some other Indian cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Punjab and Ahmedabad.
Shahid is playing an air force pilot in Mausam. He has shot a scene at an RAF airbase which is the last shot of the first schedule. The actor will be seen in a G-suit, walking towards four Tornado jets and boarding one of them in that scene.
Friday, August 06, 2010 11:09 IST